Manila, PH -- as i've been cocooning over the past few weekends and currently lead a quiet (read: uninteresting) life, i've had time to do a few 'quiet' activities:
1) drawing. i've gotten rusty at it and should probably do it more regularly.
2) finishing what i've started. have this habit of leaving unread books piling up in one corner. having gotten book 7 (potter and the deathly hallows) out of the way, i plan on focusing on 'bitch: in praise of difficult women' by elizabeth wurtzel, she of 'prozac nation' fame. it didn't get good reviews and is recommended only as a 'catalyst for debate' but i don't care, it's quite clever.
3) doing my homework. deets, i'm not a star student at instituto but at least i've been attempting to do the espanol exercises. not my favorite thing in the world, those verbos reflexivos . our fave guatamelan maestro sends his love.
4) wake up early. since i haven't really been going out i've been pulling a surprise at work more often: i actually get there early, to the amazement of the officemates.
5) overhaul. out with the old, in with the new. i now subscribe to the idea that when you bring in something new, you have to get rid of something old. makes for balance and kills the pack rat in me.
at the rate i'm going i'll be living the life of the typical florida retiree in no time (minus florida).
recommended cocooning friends: chris martin & the rest of his merry band
you can draw ? make a series of eyes .. start with eyes of jan, joy, deets and justine .. me na din :P
wow reese i'm so jealous. you're spanish is way way more advanced than mine. and you get to spend time with mi maestro de chilito mio. :( my spanish is getting worse. i don't know how to conjugate anymore. i just mutter a word to my spanish-speaking patients and get by with a lot of hand movements and dramatizations. example, if i want to ask if the patient is vomiting i say ,"tiene vomito?" and then i do a lot of gagging/vomiting sounds. ayayay.
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