Sunday, August 19, 2007

A Day at Santa Monica

Santa Monica, CA -- It's my nth time in the U.S. but I never headed to any beach in California until yesterday. Unlike the beaches back home, the water here is FREEEZING cold; and unlike in NJ, the lifeguards are not really something to look forward to. Check out "lolo lifeguard!"=)

After spending the morning people-watching and sunbathing, my friend Vern and I decided to go to the Third Street Promenade where Hollywood stars are often spotted. It's a place for shopping and dining. (Photo below is from

Unfortunately for us, we didn't see any celebrities but we definitely enjoyed browsing through books, window shopping, and feeling that we are actually considered skinny here. =)


sparklemind said...
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sparklemind said...

trivia :

Notable celebrities from Santa Monicat Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner,Tobey Maguire and Robert Redford.

Linkin Park, the band is named after Santa Monica's Lincoln Park.

risa said...

why is it we have pictures of the not-so-hot ones? ;p
deets, time for another jog at jersey shore! bring a cam this time.
joy, you'd be considered skinny anywhere on this planet!
how's review?

Indeterminacy said...

I want to be on a beach now too. Just wondering, is there some place in the world that you are not considered skinny?

P.S. I love bikini photos ;-)

Anonymous said...

hmmm, you lost a lot of weight joy and it seems that you have gained an admirer up there. good for you.