Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Lomos of Chicago

Chicago, IL -- Hey, I miss you girls and boy :). I just got back from a one-week vacay in Chicago (I know, I know, I should try other states). But it's been lonely (and cathartic) the past month that I really needed close friends around me. And since you guys are a thousand miles away, I chose the nearest place where I can find "home".

I just want to share some lomos I took. I'll tell you more about the trip next time. Right now, I really have to study. Aaaaargh....

Btw, I hope someone writes about their trip to Sagada, since some of you vehemently refused to accompany me to that majestic (and magical hehe) place. I have some friends here who would like to see more pictures of the Philippines.


justine said...

nice shots, deets!! i love the fact that all of us are into lomo:) can't wait to shoot SA using all kinds of cams!

risa said...

wow you got a 'sampler too! hope you got to recharge in the windy city. study well & hang in there. btw we're currently looking for the ideal latina name for you ;)