Tuesday, September 16, 2008

On the freeway

Redondo Beach,CA -- I haven't posted anything for months and here's what I've been doing: Practicing how to drive around (Yes, I already got my license!)I headed to my aunt in Redondo Beach as soon as I got my own car. I've been working (Yes, I already have a job.)which made me decide that I have to review EKG and cardio meds. I'm learning money matters and tax system here. I spend time with my family, watch Lucas grow, run errands in between and hoping that we'll go out of LA county before fall starts. Sounds busy? I'm actually having fun and it's a new adventure for me. Photo from redondobeach.com

1 comment:

jan said...

lucas, you've grown so much since we last saw you!

joy, glad to hear you're driving already. liberating, isn't it?!